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with no strings attached中文是什么意思

用"with no strings attached"造句"with no strings attached"怎么读"with no strings attached" in a sentence


  • 没有任何附带条件


  • Either sign me up on a blank contract with no strings attached or else , ” and i took out a hammer and a rolling pin and banged on the table
    你要么接受我,要么拉倒, ”我拿起一个锤子和图钉,砰地一声敲在桌子上。
  • If you do everything like this without ego , with no strings attached , just unconditionally and for other people s benefit , not for yourself and not even in the hope that master will come , not in the hope of getting merit or getting a blessing from godnot for anything at allthen it s wonderful
用"with no strings attached"造句  


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